Johannes Waldmann
2018-09-04 17:00:05 UTC
Dear Cafe (again),
I was trying to write
sum $ map (^ 2) $ [ 1 :: Int .. 10^8 ]
in a list-free style
getSum $ foldMap (Sum . (^ 2)) $ [ 1 :: Int .. 10^8 ]
This avoids building an intermediate list (of squares)
but it will allocate, since foldMap uses foldr
(by default, and it's not overridden for lists)
The conclusion would be: not to use lists at all.
Which will be the point of my talk anyway.
But here, we get a list from enumFromTo. Can we avoid that?
Let's try: we just reify enumFromTo
data Enumerator a = Enumerator {from :: a, to :: a}
we have this for decades, it is called (a,a) in Data.Ix,
and then
instance Foldable Enumerator where ...
Oh no, foldMap (and others) would need an Enum constraint!
- J
I was trying to write
sum $ map (^ 2) $ [ 1 :: Int .. 10^8 ]
in a list-free style
getSum $ foldMap (Sum . (^ 2)) $ [ 1 :: Int .. 10^8 ]
This avoids building an intermediate list (of squares)
but it will allocate, since foldMap uses foldr
(by default, and it's not overridden for lists)
The conclusion would be: not to use lists at all.
Which will be the point of my talk anyway.
But here, we get a list from enumFromTo. Can we avoid that?
Let's try: we just reify enumFromTo
data Enumerator a = Enumerator {from :: a, to :: a}
we have this for decades, it is called (a,a) in Data.Ix,
and then
instance Foldable Enumerator where ...
Oh no, foldMap (and others) would need an Enum constraint!
- J