[Haskell-cafe] Suppress re-exported module's docs ...
aditya siram
2018-09-21 11:13:55 UTC
Is there any way to have Haddock ignore a re-exported module without hiding
it? eg. here all of `B`'s exports/docs show up in `A`'s Haddock page and I
don't want to see them there:

module A
module B
import B
Roel van Dijk
2018-09-27 12:45:42 UTC
I believe the following is a common pattern:

module A
( module Exports
) where
import B as Exports
import C as Exports
Post by aditya siram
Is there any way to have Haddock ignore a re-exported module without
hiding it? eg. here all of `B`'s exports/docs show up in `A`'s Haddock page
module A
module B
import B
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