Am So., 2. Sep. 2018 um 22:44 Uhr schrieb Joachim Durchholz <
Post by Joachim DurchholzThat's just the... non-thinking aspect, and more embarrassment
avoidance. The first level of automated testing.
Well, even avoiding embarrassing bugs is extremely valuable. The vast
amount of bugs in real-world SW *is* actually highly embarrassing, and even
worse: Similar bugs have probably been introduced before. Getting some
tricky algorithm wrong is the exception, at least for two reasons: The
majority of code is typically very mundane and boring, and people are
usually more awake and concentrated when they know that they are writing
non-trivial stuff. Of course your mileage varies, depending on the domain,
experience of programmers, deadline pressure, etc.
Post by Joachim DurchholzPost by Sven PanneDo this
for a few decades, and you have a very comprehensive test suite for
functional aspects. :-) The reasoning behind this: Blindly adding tests
is wasted effort most of time, because this way you often test things
which only very rarely break: Bugs OTOH hint you very concretely at
problematic/tricky/complicated parts of your SW.
Well, you have to *think*.
You can't just blindly add tests for every bug that was ever reported;
you get an every-growing pile of test code, and if the spec changes you
need to change the tests. So you need a strategy to curate the test
code, and you very much prefer to test for the thing that actually went
wrong, not the thing that was reported.
Two things here: I never proposed to add the exact code from the bug report
to a test suite. Bug reports are ususally too big and too unspecific, so of
course you add a minimal, focused test triggering the buggy behavior.
Furthermore: If the spec changes, your tests *must* break, by all means,
otherwise: What are the tests actually testing if it's not the spec? Of
course only those tests should break which test the changed part of the
Post by Joachim DurchholzIt's just a case where you cannot blindly add a test for every
performance regression you see, you have to set up testing beforehand.
Which is the exact opposite of what you recommend, so maybe the
recommendation shouldn't be taken at face value ;-P
This is exactly why I said that these tests are a different story. For
performance measurements there is no binary "failed" or "correct" outcome,
because typically many tradeoffs are involved (space vs. time etc.).
Therefore you have to define what you consider important, measure that, and
guard it against regressions.
It's a matter of definition and common usage, but indeed many people
Post by Joachim Durchholzassociate the term "regression testing" with "let's write a test case
whenever we see a bug". [...]
This sounds far too disparaging, and a quite a few companies have a rule
like "no bug fix gets committed without an accompanying regression test"
for a good reason. People usually have no real clue where their most
problematic code is (just like they have no clue where the most
performance-critical part is), so having *some* hint (bug report) is far
better than guessing without any hint.