Post by Rodrigo StevauxHi, nice to see a fellow Brazilian.
Post by Rodrigo StevauxHow does your work differ from QuickCheck?
In summary, LeanCheck _enumerates_ test values whereas QuickCheck
generates values _randomly_. For example consider:
prop_double :: Int -> Bool
prop_double x = x + x == 2 * x
From the surface, QuickCheck and LeanCheck look very similar, in the
Post by Rodrigo Stevauximport Test.QuickCheck
quickCheck . withMaxSuccess 10 $ prop_double
+++ OK, passed 10 tests.
Post by Rodrigo Stevauximport Test.LeanCheck
checkFor 10 prop_double
+++ OK, passed 10 tests.
Post by Rodrigo Stevauximport Test.QuickCheck
sample' arbitrary :: IO [Int]
Post by Rodrigo Stevauxsample' arbitrary :: IO [Int]
Post by Rodrigo Stevauximport Test.LeanCheck
take 10 list :: [Int]
Since QuickCheck is random, each run tests different values, in this case,
random integers. Since LeanCheck is enumerative, each run tests the same
set of values, in this case integers of increasing magnitude. In both
cases, if you increase the number of tests you'll be more likely to find a
Whether one wants enumerative or random test cases is a matter of debate.
If in doubt, you can always use both... :-) The bindings for Tasty,
test-framework and Hspec for LeanCheck and QuickCheck are very similar and
can help in this regard.
There are other differences in the library interface: I tried to keep
LeanCheck's very simple. The default number of tests is different (LC:
200, QC: 100). But again, the main difference is the method of test data
generation as explained above.
Best Regards,
PS: sorry for the delay in replying, I read haskell-café in a monthly
digest and since I wasn't cc'ed, I only saw your e-mail now.